Notice of annual general meeting of Gabriel Holding A/S

Annual General Meeting of Gabriel Holding A/S will be held at 2.00 p.m. on Thursday 10 December 2020 at Comwell Hotel Hvide Hus, Vesterbro 2, 9000 Aalborg.In order to minimize the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) Gabriel is calling for shareholders to refrain from physically attending the general meeting. Shareholders are instead encouraged to exercise their shareholder rights by giving proxy to the Board of Directors or by postal voting in advance of the general meeting rather than physically attending the general meeting.There will be no catering at the general meeting.All shareholders are entitled to attend the general meeting provided that, on proof of their identity, they have requested an admission card no later than 3 days prior to the general meeting. Admission cards may be requested by contacting Maria Myrup Gundersen by phone at +45 9630 3117 or e-mail at following material will be available on the company’s website by
19 November 2020:– Notice of the meeting;
– The total number of shares and votes on the date of the notice;
– The documents to be presented at the general meeting, including the annual report;
– The agenda and the full text of all proposals; and
– Proxy form.The printed version of the annual report will be available on 27 November 2020.AttachmentGabriel Holding AS – Announcement no 16 – Notice General Meeting 2020