Notice for a bondholder meeting
MILA 300929 – Bondholders meeting
20 October 2023
In accordance with the provisions of the bond MILA 300929 (the “Bond”), Sunstone IV hf. (the “Issuer”) now calls for a Bondholders Meeting, to be held at the Issuer’s office at Stórhöfði 22-30, 110 Reykjavík, Iceland at 13:00 on 6 November 2023.
The Bondholders Meeting’s agenda:
- Proposal to change the Article of the Bond relating to payments of principal and interest, for the purpose of correcting a drafting error in the Bond.
Attached to this meeting notification are the Issuer’s proposals.
In accordance with the provisions of the Bond, the Bond can be amended by a Bondholders Meeting, which shall be called with no less than two-week notice. Bondholders Meetings can conclude all matters within the agenda if the meeting is called in accordance with the provisions of the Bond. The voting rights of each bondholder are proportional to the nominal value held by that bondholder. Any decision on changes to the terms and conditions of the Bond require a general decision level of 67%, except in the case of a decrease in nominal amount, interest rate level, payment schedule of principal and interest and changes to the nature of the security which require a 90% decision level.
Further information:
Inga Helga Halldórudóttir
Compliance officer
Sunstone IV hf.