Bank Norwegian hosts its Capital Markets Day today at 12:00 – 15.00 CET. Please find attached the presentation materials for the capital markets day, including new Financial Targets for Norwegian Finans Holding ASA. The following Financial Targets will be presented:Long term profitable lending growth – CAGR above 10% by end 2023ROE above 20 % in 2023Distribute excess capitalPrioritize growthDeliver on dividend policy (30-60%) through cash dividend and share buy-back. For further information and to follow the webcast live, please visit our website: persons:CFO Klara Lise Aasen; phone +47 47635583; kaa@banknorwegian.noHead of Treasury Mats Benserud; phone +47 95891539; This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading ActAttachmentBank Norwegian Capital Markets Day 18 March 2021