Norwegian Finans Holding ASA: Allocation of shares under the incentive scheme for key employees, trades subject to notification by primary insiders
Norwegian Finans Holding ASA (“the Company”) has now determined the bonus for key management for 2020 based on the incentive scheme for key management of the Company and Bank Norwegian ASA.
Based on this scheme, a part of each employee’s bonus claim shall be settled by shares in the Company. Consequently, the Board of Directors has on 26 May 2021 approved an allocation of 57 078 of the company’s own shares, each with a par value of NOK 1. The shares have been allocated today, on 27 May 2021.
Please find attached a list of primary insiders of Norwegian Finans Holding ASA who have increased their shareholding, subject to notification requirements.
The subscription price for the shares to be allocated is NOK 92.09 per share. This subscription price has been based on the market value during the relevant time period in accordance with the Company’s guidelines, adjusted for paid dividends.
The share capital in the Company is unchanged following the transaction, at NOK 186 904 268 divided into 186 904 268 shares. The Company’s remaining balance of own shares is 0 after the allocation.
Contact persons:
CFO Klara Lise Aasen; phone +47 47635583;
Head of Treasury Mats Benserud; phone +47 95891539;
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act