No. 9 Course of annual general meeting (AGM)

The AGM discussed and approved:– Management’s review and Annual Report 2020 including a statement by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors and the independent auditor’s report.– Resolution to allocate profits in accordance with the approved annual report with dividends distribution of DKK 28.00 per share of DKK 100.– The Board of Directors’ authorisation to potentially pass a resolution to distribute extraordinary dividends of up to DKK 15.00 per share for the period until the next annual general meeting.– The Board of Directors’ authorisation to potentially pass a resolution to acquire treasury shares of up to 10% of the share capital for payment for the period until the next annual general meeting.– Remuneration Report 2020.– Board members’ remuneration for 2021: Fixed annual remuneration of DKK 200,000.– Election of the following board members:
New elected was Michael Troensegaard Andersen and re-elected were Morten Chrone, Peter Bang, Louise Knauer, Jesper Dalsgaard and Jens Borum. The following employee-elected members make up the remainder of the Board of Directors:
Lars Lange Andersen, Ulrik Damgaard and Bent H. Frisk.– Election of Deloitte, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR no. 33 96 35 56, as auditor.– Authorisation to the chair of the meeting to register the resolutions approved by the AGM with the Danish Business Authority.At the subsequent board meeting, the Board of Directors elected its officers and re-elected Jens Borum as its chairman and Jesper Dalsgaard as vice chairman. New elected for the Audit Committee was Michael Troensegaard Andersen, while Peter Bang and Louise Knauer were re-elected. New elected for the Remuneration Committee was Morten Chrone, while Jens Borum and Louise Knauer were re-elected.Contact
Chairman Jens Borum – tel. +45 79 30 00 00IR Director Dennis Callesen– tel. +45 29 92 18 11AttachmentNo. 9 2021 Course of annual general meeting