Paris, November 26th, 2019Natixis statementFollowing press articles related to the suspension of a trader at Natixis’ Americas platform, Natixis would like to make it clear that it constantly monitors and reviews its employees’ performance through well-established internal procedures that are applicable to all employees.Regarding the case mentioned by a Bloomberg article published on November 26th, it is a purely internal procedure that is by no means related to a P&L loss and has no impact whatsoever on Natixis’ clients or businesses.
About Natixis
Natixis is a French multinational financial services firm specialized in asset & wealth management, corporate & investment banking, insurance and payments. A subsidiary of Groupe BPCE, the second-largest banking group in France through its two retail banking networks, Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne, Natixis counts nearly 16,000 employees across 38 countries. Its clients include corporations, financial institutions, sovereign and supranational organizations, as well as the customers of Groupe BPCE’s networks. Listed on the Paris stock exchange, Natixis has a solid financial base with a CET1 capital under Basel 3(1) of €11.4 billion, a Basel 3 CET1 Ratio(1) of 11.5% and quality long-term ratings (Standard & Poor’s: A+ / Moody’s: A1 / Fitch Ratings: A+).
(1) Based on CRR-CRD4 rules as reported on June 26, 2013, including the Danish compromise – without phase-in and including current financial year’s earnings and accrued dividend (based on a 60% pay-out).
Figures as at 30 September 2019Press contacts:www.natixis.comAttachment191126_Statement_Natixis PR