Marel: 2020 results published on 3 February, virtual investor meeting on 4 February 2021

Marel hf. will publish its 2020 consolidated financial statements after market closing on 3 February 2021.
Earnings conference call and webcastOn Thursday 4 February 2021, at 8:30 am GMT (9:30 am CET), Marel will host a virtual investor meeting where CEO Arni Oddur Thordarson and CFO Linda Jonsdottir will give an overview of the financial results and operational highlights in the fourth quarter and for the full year.The meeting will be webcast live on and a recording will be available after the meeting on of the investment community can also join the meeting through a conference call by dialing:IS: +354 800 7520NL: +31 10 712 9162UK: +44 33 3300 9262US: +1 833 526 8384Financial calendarAGM – 17 March 2021Q1 2021 – 28 April 2021Q2 2021 – 21 July 2021Q3 2021 – 20 October 2021Q4 2021 – 2 February 2022Investor relationsFor further information, please contact Marel Investor Relations via email or tel. +354 563 8001.About MarelMarel (NASDAQ: MAREL; AEX: MAREL) is a leading global provider of advanced food processing equipment, systems, software and services to the poultry, meat and fish industries. Following the closing of the TREIF acquisition on 8 October 2020, Marel has around 7,000 employees in over 30 countries. In 2019, Marel delivered EUR 1.3 billion in revenues, and invests around 6% of revenues in innovation annually. By continuously transforming food processing, Marel enables its customers to increase yield and throughput, ensure food safety and improve sustainability in food production. Marel was listed on NASDAQ Iceland in 1992 and dual-listed on Euronext Amsterdam in June 2019.