Manutan Group : 2019/2020 financial year : Good resilience of the Manutan Group in an economic context severely disrupted by the health crisis : A turnover in slight growth and profitability preserved

Financial notice of December 2nd 20202019/2020 financial year :
Good resilience of the Manutan Group in an economic context severely disrupted by the health crisis :
A turnover in slight growth and profitability preservedReturn to growth in the Q4 (July – September 2020)Compared to the 2018/2019 financial year, the Group continues to grow and registers an increase of +0.8% (-1.6% at constant scope, exchange rates and number of working days). After having experienced a strong negative impact linked to the Covid-19 crisis in March and April, the Group returned to growth from May, with an increase in turnover of +3.8% for the period from May to September (+3.0% at constant scope, exchange rates and number of working days).Current operating profit above 7% of TurnoverOver the 2019/2020 financial year, current operating profit represents 7.5% of Turnover (against 8.0% for the previous year). Since the beginning of the crisis, the Group has implemented specific measures to better assist its customers and limit the impact of the crisis on performance, whilst safeguarding the future: Adaptation of the product and service offer to meet customer needs;Maintaining significant commercial and marketing activities to support development;Optimization of the cost structure (operating expenses down by 0.8% compared to the previous year);Continuation of the medium-term investment plan (logistical capacities and information systems). The decrease in the gross margin rate (36.6% of Turnover against 37.6% the previous year) was mainly due to one-off and non-recurring costs related to purchases of Covid-19 products (masks, gels, smocks, etc.).
Net income stands at 4.8% of Turnover against 5.5% throughout previous year