LECTRA: Availability of the documents relating to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2021 (behind closed doors)
Availability of the documents relating to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2021 (behind closed doors)
Paris, April 9, 2021 – Given the current health crisis and in accordance with the measures adopted by the French Government to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra, acting on the authorization of the Company’s Board of Directors, has decided that the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting, scheduled to take place on April 30, 2021, will be held behind closed doors, without the physical presence of the shareholders, at the head office situated at 16-18 rue Chalgrin, 75016 Paris.
In this context, Lectra’s shareholders are invited to vote before the Shareholders’ Meeting, either by post using the voting form or by Internet on the Votaccess secure voting platform.
The Shareholders’ Meeting will be broadcasted live and a recording of the meeting will subsequently be made available within the legally applicable timeframe. Both the broadcast and the recording can be accessed via the Lectra website: https://www.lectra.com/en/investors/shareholders-meetings.
The announcement of the meeting (avis de reunion), which was published in the French Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) dated March 24, 2021, Bulletin n°36, includes the agenda, the draft resolutions submitted to this Shareholders’ Meeting and the conditions for participation and exercise of voting rights. The notice of meeting (avis de convocation), including the final agenda, the draft additional resolutions and the conditions for participation updated to take into account the fact that the meeting will be held behind closed doors, will be published in the BALO on April 12, 2021, Bulletin n°44.
All the documents relating to this Shareholders’ Meeting, as referred to in Article R.225-73-1 of the French Commercial Code, are available online as of today and can be downloaded directly on the Lectra website: https://www.lectra.com/en/investors/shareholders-meetings. The shareholders are invited to visit this page dedicated to the 2021 Shareholders’ Meeting on a regular basis.
The documentation regarding this Shareholders’ Meeting is available to the shareholders under the conditions provided for by the regulation in force.
About Lectra
For companies that breathe life into our wardrobes, car interiors, furniture and more, Lectra is crafting the premium technologies that facilitate the digital transformation of their industry. Lectra’s offer empowers brands, manufacturers and retailers from design to production, providing them with the market respect and peace of mind they deserve. Founded in 1973, today Lectra has 34 subsidiaries across the globe, serving customers in over 100 countries. With more than 1,700 employees, Lectra reported revenues of 236 million euros in 2020. Lectra is listed on Euronext Paris (LSS).
For more information, please visit www.lectra.com
Lectra – World Headquarters and registered office : 16–18, rue Chalgrin • 75016 Paris • France
Phone : +33 (0)1 53 64 42 00 – Fax +33 (0)1 53 64 43 00 – www.lectra.com
Public limited company (Société anonyme) with a share capital of € 32 511 651 • RCS Paris B 300 702 305
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