Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Notes of the manager on Q1 2021
For Q1 2021 we record the following key data:
- The EPRA earnings end of March 2021 amount to € 7.2 million, in line with end of March 2020 (€ 7.3 million)
- The occupancy rate rises from 91.62% (31/12/2020) to 92.05%
- The funding cost drops to 2.23% (2020: 2.35%)
- The debt ratio decreases from 55.58% end 2020 to 54.56%
- Proposal for approval of the dividend distribution over the financial year 2020 of € 5.25 gross per share (same dividend distribution as over the financial year 2019), approval of which will be submitted to the general meeting of today, held at 16.00h.