Jupiter Gold Corporation Begins Revalidation of Gold Project With Promising Results

BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil, Nov. 13, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via OTC PR WIRE – Jupiter Gold Corporation (OTC: JUPGF) (“Jupiter Gold” or the “Company”) announced today that it has begun the confirmatory field work to revalidate the reported 64,000 ounces of gold mineralization in its recently announced project in Brazil, referred to as “Alpha Project”. Under the supervision of geologists, mining engineers, and an environmental licensing expert, the initial field work at Jupiter Gold’s Alpha Project encompassed careful analysis of all observed sites where prior trenching and drilling was done in the period from the late 1990’s to 2004 by a prior owner. In particular, a specialized field geologist descended 70 feet and 60 feet in two shafts, each separated 60 feet from the other. On the walls of both shafts, quartz with veins consistent with potential for primary gold was seen. Attached to this release are photographs of one of the shafts and a detail of the shaft wall.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8c6ca378-3993-43bd-a12a-94392d568550Mr. Areli Nogueira, the Company’s senior geologist at the Alpha Project, commented, “This initial field study was extremely positive, with indications pointing to secondary gold in saprolite and primary gold in quartz at deeper levels. It is fairly well known that rock formations in this general geological area contain gold mineralization in the form of quartz veins and boudins, and our visual inspection was certainly consistent with that.”The prior owners of the Alpha Project pursued detailed geological trenching and drilling, and their official report filed with the Brazilian mining authorities quantified 64,000 ounces of potential gold mineralization with an average of 1.54 g/t of gold in the area studied. As discussed in a prior release, at the time of such study, gold was priced at less than one-third of today’s price, and therefore any cutoff for economic feasibility may substantially improve. The Company’s revalidation process has several forthcoming steps following the one described today.Jupiter Gold’s common stock trades in OTC with the ticker symbol JUPGF. The Company has 4,801,600 outstanding shares and no issued debt. Brazil Minerals, Inc. (OTC: BMIX) currently holds a 42% ownership stake in Jupiter Gold.About UsJupiter Gold Corporation (OTC: JUPGF) owns 100% title to seven gold projects in development and exploratory stages aggregating approximately 125,000 acres and located in the states of Amazonas, Bahia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, and Pernambuco, in Brazil. Its Alpha Project has 64,000 ounces of potential gold mineralization reported by prior studies which the Company is in the process of revalidating under current reporting guidelines.
Website: www.jupitergoldcorp.com
Twitter: @JupiterGoldCorp.Safe Harbor StatementContact:Brian Bernier
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Development
Jupiter Gold Corporation
(833) 661-7900