WESTPAY MAINTAINS ITS REVENUE GROWTH TREND AND PARTNERS CONTINUE TO RESPOND IN A POSITIVE WAYTHIRD QUARTER 2019Net sales totalled MSEK 15.5 (11.7), an increase of MSEK 3.8 / 32 %EBITDA was MSEK -3.1 (-5.4), an improvement with MSEK 2.2Operating profit/loss was MSEK -4.9 (-6.7), an improvement with MSEK 1.8Profit/loss after tax was MSEK -4.2 (-5.6), an improvement with MSEK 1.3Net earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.19 (-0.25)JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2019Net sales totalled MSEK 43.8 (56.0), a decrease with MSEK 12.2 / -22 %EBITDA was MSEK -11.4 (-2.1), a decrease with MSEK 9.3Operating profit/loss was MSEK -16.1 (-6.1), a decrease with MSEK 9.9Profit/loss after tax was MSEK -13.3 (-5.3), a decrease with MSEK 8.0Net earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.59 (-0.24) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE QUARTERNew long-term agreement with Open, minimum value of SEK 20 millions over the first three year periodNew long-term agreement with Max BurgersLoomis and Westpay sign agreement for payment solutionsWestpay carries out a rights issue of SEK 33.8 millionOrder from MAX Burgers, value MSEK 4Westpay’s rights issue fully subscribedHans Edin join Westpay as Chief Marketing OfficerSIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE END OF THE QUARTERVolume orders for next generation payment solution, based on Android, value 4 MSEKFor full report, please see attached file or additional information, please contact:Sten Karlsson, CEO Westpay AB
Mobile: +46 70-555 6065
Email: sten.karlsson@westpay.seHans Edin, CMO Westpay AB
Mobile: +46 70-688 02 05
Email: hans.edin@westpay.seWestpay’s Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bank, phone: +46 8-463 80 00, email: certifiedadviser@penser.seThis press release contains such information that Westpay AB is required to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was published for public disclosure on 25 October 2019 at 08:40 CET through the agency of the contact person set out above. AttachmentsWestpay Interim report Jan-Sep 2019Press release_20191025_Interim report Jan-Sep 2019