Interim financial report for Q1-Q3 2019

“The strong operational performance delivers significant margin improvements and strong financial results”, says CEO Michael T. Andersen. “We see continued strong earnings for this year despite a slowdown in the German market. We are content with our strong financial position and will continue to focus on developing our core markets.”Highlights for the period 1 January to 30 September 2019Other highlightsH+H International A/S has on 31 October 2019 closed the deal with LSR concerning divestment of its activities in Russia (100% of the shares in OOO H+H).Outlook for 2019
H+H updates its outlook for 2019:Growth before acquisitions and measured in local currencies is expected to be around 6% (previously around 8%).EBITDA before special items is expected to be DKK 525-545 million (previously DKK 510-550 million).EBIT before special items is expected to be DKK 345-365 million (previously DKK 330-370 million).Investments excluding acquisitions and divestments are expected to be in the region of DKK 140 million including investments for establishing a CSU production line near Gdansk, Poland and IFRS 16 effect (unchanged).Investor teleconference
H+H International A/S will host an investor teleconference on 13 November 2019 at 16:30 CET.
To attend the conference call, please see details below.DK: +4578150109
UK: +443333009273
US: +16467224902
For further information please contact:
Michael T Andersen, CEO, or Bjarne Pedersen, CSO, on telephone +45 35 27 02 00.H+H’s core activity is the manufacture and sale of wall building materials, with a revenue in 2018 of DKK 2.5 billion. The main product lines are aircrete blocks and calcium silicate units used for the residential new building segment. H+H has 28 factories in Northern and Central Europe with a total output of more than 4 million cubic metres of products annually and has a leading position in most of its markets. H+H has more than 1,600 employees and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.Attachment381-Interim financial report Q1-Q3 2019