Insurance Leaders to Discuss Industry’s Transformation at Weekly, Online Verisk Vision Conference Starting 16 June
Weekly virtual conference offers valuable insights on trends and technologies in insurance risk, underwriting, claims workflows
LONDON, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The insurance landscape has gone through an incredible transformation, which has only accelerated over the last 15 months. Beginning Wednesday, 16 June, insurance leaders will gather weekly online at the Verisk Vision conference to discuss important issues facing the U.K. insurance industry. This annual conference is hosted by Verisk (Nasdaq:VRSK), a leading global provider of predictive analytics and decision-support solutions.
Verisk Vision offers attendees valuable insights on emerging trends in InsurTech and best practices that can improve insurance risk, underwriting and claims workflows in the London and general insurance markets. Sessions are scheduled to broadcast each Wednesday through July, starting 16 June.
“After the success of last year’s virtual conference and the continued acceleration of technology trends, we’ve decided to expand Verisk Vision,” said Joe Pendle, managing director for Verisk claims Europe. “We wanted to offer insurers, underwriters and claims professionals more opportunities to join the conversation that help them shape the future of the industry.”
Verisk Vision will kick off with a keynote by Mark Anquillare, Verisk’s chief operating officer and group president. Mr. Anquillare will discuss current forces at work to disrupt, improve and progress the U.K. insurance industry and how the industry may evolve over the next 15 years.
For more information about Verisk Vision and to register, visit and follow #VeriskVision.
About Verisk
Verisk (Nasdaq:VRSK) provides predictive analytics and decision support solutions to customers in the insurance, energy and specialised markets, and financial services industries. More than 70 percent of the FORTUNE 100 relies on the company’s advanced technologies to manage risks, make better decisions and improve operating efficiency. The company’s analytic solutions address insurance underwriting and claims, fraud, regulatory compliance, natural resources, catastrophes, economic forecasting, geopolitical risks, as well as environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the company continues to make the world better, safer and stronger, and fosters an inclusive and diverse culture where all team members feel they belong. With more than 100 offices in nearly 35 countries, Verisk consistently earns certification by Great Place to Work. For more:, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
Michelle Pantina