IMCD N.V. shareholders adopt all resolutions at AGM
ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands (22 June 2021) – IMCD N.V. (hereafter “IMCD” or the “Company”) announces that all resolutions proposed to the shareholders at the Company’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) held today were adopted. This includes the adoption of the financial statements for the year 2020 and approval of the dividend proposal of EUR 1.02 per share in cash. The dividend calendar is as follows:
Thursday 24 June 2021 – Ex-dividend date
Friday 25 June 2021 – Record date
Monday 28 June 2021 – Payment date
Further resolutions included the reappointment of Deloitte Accountants B.V. as external auditor for the year 2021. The 2020 Remuneration Report received a positive advisory vote with over 94% of voted casted in favor of the report.
Details of the Annual General Meeting, including the voting results, are available at IMCD’s corporate website.
Attached, please find the press release in pdf format.