Highlights and Key Figures for Q3 2019

Highlights and Key Figures for Q3 2019Highlights Q3:High tender and contracting activity:Contract win for Vineyard windfarm USA (84 monopiles, 103 Kton)Contract win for zones 2-4 of Hollandse Kust Zuid windfarm in The Netherlands and post- Q3 also the win of zone 1 of Hollandse Kust Zuid (total project 140 monopiles, 136 Kton)First contract with DEME for new Sif marshalling- service on Maasvlakte 2- hub and lease of additional 20 hectaresOpening of sales- office JapanDelay by US federal authority BOEM of Vineyard project for undefined period of time Key figures:Year-to-Date (YTD)1 contribution increased to €66.6 million (€57.0 million YTD 2018)EBITDA Year to Date increased to €14.6 million (€13.0 million YTD 2018) Operating Working Capital at end of Q3 2019 -€8.2 million (€28.4 million at end of Q3 2018)Net Debt excluding IFRS 16 at end of Q3 2019 €19.2 million (€43.1 million at end of Q3 2018)Throughput of 46 Kton brings Year to Date production to 140 Kton (100 Kton YTD Q3 2018)95% for offshore wind5% for offshore oil & gas & otherOrder book 47 Kton for Q4 2019, 245 Kton for 2020 (including 103 Kton for Vineyard) and 108 Kton for 2021. Comment from Fred van Beers, CEO of Sif-Group:Tender activity and order intake were strong in the third quarter of 2019 with large project- wins and satisfactory pricing- levels. Improved pricing levels also applied to the projects at hand at the start of the third quarter. However, both the pressure on this quarter’s production capacity as a consequence of the delayed Borssele 3+4 project and production issues, caused planning problems and a less efficient production. With multiple projects at hand and tight delivery schedules, production- lines repeatedly required conversion. This resulted in production of 46 Kton at much higher than precalculated manhours and overtime. This impacted this quarter’s contribution margin. For the final quarter of 2019 we expect an equal utilization with production anticipated at 47 Kton and contribution margins at least at Q2 2019 levels.The outcome of 2020 remains uncertain with limited clarity on timing of the Vineyard project. We are still in talks with the client on different scenarios ranging from full delay of the project to manufacture of part of the order in 2020. Further news on timing is not expected before December 2019 but with the passing of time it becomes less likely that Vineyard will lead to production in 2020. For 2021 we already booked 108 Kton following the recent addition of the 4th part of Hollandse Kust Zuid in The Netherlands. With increasing ambitions of various countries and high tender activity, we expect good utilization from 2021 onwards.1 Year-to-date (YTD) refers to the period 1 January- 30 September2 Adjustments relate to IPO- expenses for which 2018 EBITDA- numbers are adjusted.3 Including 103 Kton for Vineyard
AttachmentHighlights and Key Figures for Q3 2019.7nov2019