HIGHCO: Shareholding as 11/30/2020

INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTING RIGHTS AND SHARESAccording to provisions of the article 223-16 of the Règlement Général AMF
and of the article L.233-8 II of the French Code de commerce(*) exclusively consisting of treasury shares.
(**) theoretical voting rights to calculate the threshold crossing including the voting right of treasury shares (article 223-11 of the Règlement Général AMF).About HighCoAs an expert in data marketing and communication, HighCo continuously innovates to work with brands and retailers in meeting the retail challenges of tomorrow.
Listed in compartment C of Euronext Paris, and eligible for SME equity savings plans (“PEA-PME”), HighCo has more than 600 employees and since 2010 has been included in the Gaia Index, a selection of 70 responsible Small and Mid Caps.Your contactsCécile COLLINA-HUE Cynthia LERAT
Managing Director Press Relations
+33 1 77 75 65 06 +33 1 77 75 65 16
comfi@highco.com c.lerat@highco.comUpcoming event