HF Fund: Auction results for LSS150434
Today, HF Fund concluded an auction in which it offered bonds issued by Municipality Credit Iceland plc and owned by HF Fund.
Bids were submitted for LSS150434 in the nominal amount of 6,311 m.kr., with clean prices ranging between 99.350 and 97.641, which is equivalent to a yield ranging between 3.92% and 4.30%. Bids in the nominal amount of 3,065 m.kr. were accepted at a clean price of 98.954, which is equivalent to a yield of 4.01%.
Further information can be obtained from:
Steinþór Pálsson on behalf of HF Fund, tel: +354 616-0200, e-mail address: verkefnisstjornil@fjr.is.
Employees of Government Debt Management as arranger of the auction, tel: +354 569-9635 and +354 569-9679, e-mail address: lanamal@lanamal.is.