Hexagon Composites ASA: Invitation to Capital Markets Day 2021

Hexagon Composites invites shareholders, analysts, media and other stakeholders to our Virtual Capital Markets Day on Monday 11 January 2021, from 13:00 – 16:00 CET.Presentations will be held by Hexagon’s executive management with a focus on the company’s solutions and positioning for further growth. Presentations will be followed by Q&A.To attend our Capital Markets Day, please register here.
Agenda 11 January 2021 – Clean Air Everywhere
13:00 – 13:10 CETProfitable green growth – Jon Erik Engeset, CEO Hexagon Composites
13:10- 13:50 CET Digitalization and new business models – the next big strategic step for HexagonThe new generation of tanks is smart – Skjalg Stavheim, President Hexagon Ragasco Building our IoT opportunity and improving the circular economy – Jack Schimenti, President Hexagon Digital Wave
13:50-14:50 CETRapid expansion of (renewable) natural gas – Seung Baik, President Hexagon AgilityClean energy where you need it: The growing influence of Mobile Pipeline across multiple segments – Miguel Raimao, VP Mobile Pipeline, Hexagon AgilityCommercialization strategy – Eric Bippus, SVP Sales and Marketing, Hexagon Agility
14:50-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-15:20 CETAccelerating zero emission mobility – Morten Holum, CEO Hexagon Purus
15.20-15:55 CETResearch & Development – the very core, Rick Rashilla, SVP Research & Development Strengthening the Hexagon brand – Karen Romer, SVP CommunicationsStrong balance sheet & profitable growth – David Bandele, CFO Hexagon Composites
15:55-16.00 CETClosing remarks – Jon Erik Engeset, CEO
For more information, please contact:Hiva Ghiri, VP Investor Relations, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 958 66 790 | hiva.ghiri@hexagongroup.com
About Hexagon Composites ASAHexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications.Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn