Herman Vandaele becomes new Chairman of KBC Ancora

Regulated information, Leuven, 29 November 2019 (17.40 hrs CET)Herman Vandaele becomes new Chairman of KBC AncoraOn 29 November 2019, Herman Vandaele was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Almancora Beheersmaatschappij/Société de gestion, the statutory manager of the listed company KBC Ancora. As from 29 November 2019, he will succeed Prof. Dr. Jules Stuyck, who has reached the statutory age limit.Herman Vandaele holds a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Economic Sciences from the University of Antwerp (UFSIA) and a Master’s degree in Treasury & Banking and Tax Management from IPO Antwerpen (now Antwerp Management School), and has followed an Executive Management Program at CEDEP/INSEAD in Fontainebleau and a Leadership Program at University of Colorado Denver. Since 1975, he has held various positions within the Bekaert group both in Belgium and abroad and has experience in corporate and headquarter responsibilities. He was CFO there for four years and the President of Bekaert Asia from 2003 to 2009. In the 1985-2000 period, he taught at the Ehsal and Vlekho university colleges (now Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) and at IPO Antwerpen (now Antwerp Management School).
He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of the AZ Groeninge hospital in Kortrijk.
Since November 2010, he has been an independent director on the Board of Directors of Almancora Beheersmaatschappij/Société de gestion.Since November 2013, Prof. Dr. Jules Stuyck has been an independent director on the Board of Directors of Almancora Beheersmaatschappij/Société de gestion. He has held the role of Chairman since June 2016.Prof. Dr. Marc De Ceuster becomes independent directorIn addition, the General Meeting of Almancora Beheersmaatschappij/Société de gestion has appointed Prof. Dr. Marc De Ceuster as a new independent director. Marc De Ceuster holds a PhD in Applied Economic Sciences (UFSIA) and a Bachelor’s degree in law (UIA). Since 2002, he has been Professor of Financial Economics at the University of Antwerp. He is Academic Director at the Antwerp Management School, is a member of the General Board of Antwerp Management School and a member of the Arkea Direct Bank Supervisory Board. He also held a seat for six years on the Board of Directors of KBC Group on behalf of the Flemish Government.Franky Depickere, Managing Director of Almancora Beheersmaatschappij/Société de gestion, said: “On behalf of the Board of Directors and management, and also on my own behalf, I would like to thank Jules Stuyck sincerely for his work over the past years. With the appointments of Herman Vandaele as Chairman and Marc De Ceuster as a Director, I am convinced that we have suitable successors and that Cera and KBC Ancora will continue to play their full role within KBC group.” ———————————KBC Ancora is a listed company that owns 18.6% of the shares in KBC Group and, together with Cera, MRBB and the Other Permanent Shareholders, it ensures shareholder stability and the further development of KBC group. As core shareholders of KBC Group, they have concluded a shareholders’ agreement for this purpose.Financial calendar:
31 January 2020 Half-yearly financial report (H1)
28 August 2020 Annual financial statement for financial year 2019/2020This press release is available in Dutch, French and English on the website www.kbcancora.be.
KBC Ancora Investor Relations & Press contact: Jan Bergmans
Tel.: +32 (0)16 27 96 72
E-mail: jan.bergmans@kbcancora.be or mailbox@kbcancora.beAttachmentKBCA PB 20191129 E