Heimar hf.: Review and Confirmation by the Certifying Entity on Financial Covenants
PwC serves as the certifying entity for HEIMAR250948 and the general security arrangement. Its role includes, among other things, reviewing and confirming the issuer’s calculations in the report on financial covenants.
PwC has now conducted a review of the issuer’s calculations regarding the financial covenants of the bond series HEIMAR250948 and the general security arrangement. The conclusion of PwC’s review confirms that the bond series HEIMAR250948 and the general security arrangement comply with all financial covenants as of 31.12.2024.
Further findings from the review are included in the attached documents, which are in Icelandic.
- PwC staðfesting 31.12.2024 Almenna – skýrsla um fjárhagslegar kvaðir – 110325
- PwC staðfesting 31.12.2024 Sértæka – skýrsla um fjárhagslegar kvaðir – 110325