Head of Consumer and Digital & Analytics to change at Telia Lietuva
Nortautas Luopas, Head of Consumer and Digital & Analytics at Telia Lietuva, will leave the Company on 30 June 2022 and will continue his career overseas. Nominees to lead two units – Consumer and Digital & Analytics – first will be searched within the Company.
“I would like to express my sincere acknowledgement to Nortautas Luopas for outstanding financial results and significant contribution into creation of new generation digital services. His versatile experience and expert hand also facilitate in gathering and developing very strong team of professionals that will be given the priority for internal career possibilities. Two new leaders would mean even more attention to customers’ needs and innovations”, says Dan Strömberg, CEO of Telia Lietuva.
“I am grateful to Telia for the priceless experience that I am going to employ while joining ambitious digital marketing startup in the United States. Undoubtedly, Lithuania is a country with high demand for modern technologies and quality among the customers and its importance in worldwide innovations ecosystem will grow every year”, states Nortautas Luopas.
Having occupied various positions in international corporations N. Luopas has a great managerial experience: he has led sale, marketing, commerce, digital infrastructure and planning teams. From 2019, he headed Consumer and from 2020 – Digital & Analytics units at Telia Lietuva.
Darius Džiaugys,
Head of Investor Relations,
tel. +370 5 236 7878,
e-mail: darius.dziaugys@telia.lt