H1, 2020: Strongest half-year financial performance
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) amounted to a negative of DKK 2.887m compared to H1/2019 which showed a negative EBITDA of DKK 6.720m. An improvement of 133%Hypefactors reached an annual recurring revenue (ARR) of DKK 3.7m as per June 30, 2020, (2019: 1.7m) which is an increase over the last twelve months of 118%. The ARR increased by DKK 1.0m in H1/2020 compared to an increase of DKK 0.35m in H1/2019 – an increase of 186%.There was a significant influx of enterprise clients from several countries. The main focus was Denmark, United Kingdom, and Portugal.More than 14.000 companies and other organizations now use one or more parts of the Hypefactors’ platform; the majority of them are on a ‘freemium’ solution. For H1/2020, the main commercial focus was on direct sales to enterprise clients utilizing the full media intelligence platform from day one.Hypefactors combine data, analytics, technology, and tools to provide a unified and easy-to-use experience. The Hypefactors platform includes national and global media monitoring, analytics, media reporting, media database, digital newsrooms, and news distribution. The artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning solution helps businesses save time, reduce costs, and improve business-critical areas such as communications and reputation management. Income statement 1. January – 30 JuneBalance sheet 30 June The H1/2020 report has been approved by the board of directors.