Golar LNG Limited: 2021 AGM Results Notification
Golar LNG Limited (the “Company”) advises that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Company was held on August 10, 2021 at 09:00 ADT at 2nd Floor, The S.E. Pearman Building, 9 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda. The audited consolidated financial statements for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 were presented at the Meeting.
The following resolutions were passed:
1) To re-elect Tor Olav Trøim as a Director of the Company.
2) To re-elect Daniel Rabun as a Director of the Company.
3) To re-elect Thorleif Egeli as a Director of the Company.
4) To re-elect Carl Steen as a Director of the Company.
5) To re-elect Niels G. Stolt-Nielsen as a Director of the Company.
6) To re-elect Lori Wheeler-Naess as a Director of the Company.
7) To re-elect Georgina E. Sousa as a Director of the Company.
8) To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP of London, England as auditors and to authorize the Directors to determine their remuneration.
9) To approve remuneration of the Company’s Board of Directors of a total amount of fees not to exceed US$1,750,000 for the year ended December 31, 2021.
Hamilton, Bermuda
August 10, 2021