FT Portfolios Canada Co. Announces Additional Reinvested Distributions for First Trust AlphaDEX™ U.S. Consumer Staples Sector Index ETF

TORONTO, April 30, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FT Portfolios Canada Co. today announced reinvested capital distributions for the units of First Trust AlphaDEX™ U.S. Consumer Staples Sector Index ETF (the “First Trust ETF”) (TSX: FHC). The record date and payment date for the reinvested distribution is April 30, 2020. These distributions are payable in units which are immediately consolidated so that there is no change in the number of units outstanding. Details for the per unit distribution is as follows:
The distribution arises as a result of the deemed tax year-end for the First Trust ETF occurring as of April 30, 2020 because the First Trust ETF has become and will be treated as a “financial institution” under the Income Tax Act (Canada). As a result of the deemed tax year-end, the First Trust ETF gains or losses on certain securities accrued before that date are deemed to be realized for tax purposes and are being distributed to unitholders.In addition, as a deemed financial institution, the First Trust ETF will be required to recognize at least annually on income account any gains and losses accruing on certain types of debt obligations and equity securities and will also be subject to special rules with respect to income inclusion on these securities.Further information about FT Portfolios Canada Co.’s ETF can be found at www.firsttrust.ca and in the First Trust ETF’s current prospectus.For further information: Media Contact: Susan Johnson, FT Portfolios Canada Co., 40 King Street West, Suite 5102, Scotia Plaza, Box 312, Toronto, ON M5H 3Y2, Email: susanjohnson@firsttrust.ca, (416) 865-8054.

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