Freddie Mac Issues Monthly Volume Summary for September 2019

MCLEAN, Va., Oct. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freddie Mac (OTCQB: FMCC) announced today that it issued its Monthly Volume Summary for September 2019, which provides information on Freddie Mac’s mortgage-related portfolios, securities issuance, risk management, delinquencies, debt activities, and other investments.
Freddie Mac makes home possible for millions of families and individuals by providing mortgage capital to lenders. Since our creation by Congress in 1970, we’ve made housing more accessible and affordable for homebuyers and renters in communities nationwide. We are building a better housing finance system for homebuyers, renters, lenders, and taxpayers. Learn more at, Twitter @FreddieMac, and Freddie Mac’s blog CONTACT: Fred Solomon
Frederick_Solomon@freddiemac.comINVESTOR CONTACT: Laurie Garthune