Fnac Darty: Filling of the 2020 Universal Registration Document

REGULATED INFORMATIONFILING OF THE 2020 UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENTFnac Darty registered its 2020 Universal Registration Document (Document d’enregistrement universel) with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on 19 March 2021.The 2020 Universal Registration Document includes:The 2020 financial report,The 2020 Corporate Governance report,The Statutory Auditors’ reports,The Statutory Auditors’ fees,The description of the share buyback programme,The non-financial performance statement.The French version of the Universal Registration Document is available on the website of the AMF (www.amf-france.org) and on the website of Fnac Darty at the following address: www.fnacdarty.com under the section “Investors”. It can also be sent by e-mail upon request sent to actionnaires@fnacdarty.com.Furthermore, the Universal Registration Document is also published for the first time in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF), with the five consolidated accounts tables (primary financial statements) marked up with XBRL tags. This was carried out voluntarily, one year ahead of the reporting obligation’s entry into force in France.The English translation of the Universal Registration Document will be available on the Company’s website from 14 April 2021.Finally, given the uncertainty that remains regarding the development of the situation linked to the Covid-19 crisis and the consequences thereof on the Group’s activity, Fnac Darty will continue to regularly inform the market on the economic impacts that could result from this.CONTACT
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