Faurecia announces the launch of its first employee share ownership program

EMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PROGRAMFaurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies, announces the launch of a non-dilutive employee share ownership plan following the distribution of Faurecia shares held by Stellantis. This plan, known as “Faur’ESO” (Faurecia Employee Share Ownership), is designed to strengthen employee engagement and involve employees closely in the Group’s future development and performance. On Capital Markets Day held on February 22, 2021, the Group detailed its ambitious medium term objectives for value creation, in particular its target to reach €25 billion sales and an operating margin above 8% of sales in 2025, and a cumulated net cash flow above €4 billion over five years (2021-2025). This first operation involves a maximum of 2% of the Company’s share capital and will be deployed in 15 countries, targeting 90% of the Group’s employees.Patrick Koller, Faurecia’s Chief Executive Officer, stated: “ 2021 is a year of new perspectives for Faurecia and we open a new chapter in our history. This plan reaffirms our ambition to associate our employees even more closely with Faurecia’s transformation to meet the new challenges of mobility. Once this operation is completed our employee shareholders will represent up to 2.6% of shareholders».The main features of the Faur’ESO plan are described below. ·Characteristics of the employee shareholding offer
The shares will be subscribed by the beneficiaries either directly or through an employee shareholding fund (FCPE), depending on their country of residence.The offer will include two formulas for which the subscription price will benefit from a 20% discount on the reference price as well as a matching contribution paid by the Group.A “classic” formula in which the subscriber is exposed to fluctuations in the Faurecia share price, while the discount and the matching contribution minimize the potential losses and increase the potential gains.
A “multiple” formula in which the subscriber receives at maturity at least the amount of his or her personal contribution plus either a guaranteed return or, if higher, a multiple of the performance of Faurecia’s share price. In some countries, the mechanism of the « multiple » formula could be materialized by the allocation of Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR).Indicative schedule of the operation The indicative schedule of the operation is detailed hereunder, it being stipulated that the final dates will be fixed by the Chief Executive Officer. Opening of the initial « reservation » period: from May 7, 2021 to May 21, 2021. Subscription price fixed on June 22, 2021. « Subscription/retractation » period: from June 23, 2021 to June 25, 2021. Shares delivery: July 28, 2021 Offered shares The Faur’ESO offer will be carried out through a capital increase. To neutralize the dilutive effect, the Board of Directors has authorized a budget dedicated to a share buyback program.Structuring hedging operation The so-called “multiple” formula implies that the bank structuring the offer carries out hedging transactions, both on and off the market, through the purchase and/or sale of Faurecia shares, the purchase of call options and/or any other transactions, at any time, both prior and during the entire duration of the Faur’ESO offer.
About Faurecia
Founded in 1997, Faurecia has grown to become a major player in the global automotive industry. With 266 industrial sites, 39 R&D centers and 114,000 employees in 35 countries, Faurecia is a global leader in its four areas of business: Seating, Interiors, Clarion Electronics and Clean Mobility. Faurecia has focused its technology strategy on providing solutions for the “Cockpit of the Future” and “Sustainable Mobility”. In 2020, the Group posted sales of €14.7 billion. Faurecia is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange. For more information, please visit www.faurecia.comAttachmentPRESS RELEASE_Faur’ESO_16032021