Fairfax Announces Quarterly Dividend on Series C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and M Preferred Shares and Quarterly Dividend Rate for Series D, F, H and J Preferred Shares

TORONTO, March 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (“Fairfax”) (TSX: FFH and FFH.U) announces that it has declared the following quarterly dividends per share on its preferred shares:
Applicable Canadian withholding tax will be applied to dividends payable to non-residents of Canada.Fairfax has also determined the quarterly dividend rates in respect of the March 31, 2021 to June 29, 2021 dividend period for its floating rate preferred shares. The rates, together with the dividends per share payable for such period (if and when declared), are set forth below:Fairfax is a holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in property and casualty insurance and reinsurance and the associated investment management.