Exclusive negotiations for the acquisition of an European spinal entity

Press release Ecully, 18 March 2021 – 6 p.m.
Exclusive negotiations for the acquisition
of a start-up in the field of spinal surgerySpineway, specialized in innovative implants for the treatment of severe disorders of the spinal column (spine), announces that it has entered exclusive negotiations with a view to the acquisition of 100% of the capital of a European start-up specialized in the design, manufacture and sale of implants and instruments for spinal surgery.With its founder having over 25 years’ experience in the spine field, the company has a line of products for spinal fusions that it sells directly in France and via distributors internationally.In line with the Group’s growth strategy, this acquisition will allow Spineway to consolidate its product range and strengthen its positions in Europe by making a wider variety of operating techniques with added value possible for spinal surgeons.Positioned on market segments representing 90% of the use of spinal-surgery implants, this company has strong growth potential in the current competitive environment and expects its revenue to exceed €4M in three years1.The project remains subject to several conditions precedent, in particular audits resulting in satisfactory reports. This acquisition would be financed in cash and have the start-up’s team be integrated within the Group.This acquisition should be finalized by the end of May.Upcoming: 15 April 2021 – Publication of Q1 2021 revenueSPINEWAY IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE PEA-PME (EQUITY SAVINGS PLANS FOR SMES)
Find out all about Spineway at www.spineway.comThis press release has been prepared in both English and French. In case of discrepancies, the French version shall prevail.Spineway designs, manufactures and markets innovative implants and surgical instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column.
Spineway has an international network of over 50 independent distributors and 90% of its revenue comes from exports.
Spineway, which is eligible for investment through FCPIs (French unit trusts specializing in innovation), has received the OSEO Excellence award since 2011 and has won the Deloitte Fast 50 award (2011). Rhône Alpes INPI Patent Innovation award (2013) – INPI Talent award (2015).
ISIN: FR0011398874 – ALSPWContacts:
1 Not audited