EnergySolutions and FirstEnergy Finalize Sale of Three Mile Island Unit-2 Nuclear Power Plant (TMI-2)

SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EnergySolutions announced today that it has completed the nearly two-year process for its EnergySolutions subsidiary, TMI-2 Solutions, to acquire the Three Mile Island Unit-2 Nuclear Power Plant (TMI-2), from subsidiaries of FirstEnergy Corp. The purpose of this sale is to complete the decommissioning process of the facility, located in Londonderry Township, Pennsylvania.
“This is a major step forward in the United States when it comes to decommissioning shut down nuclear power plants,” stated Ken Robuck, President and CEO of EnergySolutions. “We recognize the unique circumstances associated with TMI-2 and will rely heavily on our decommissioning expertise, experience and lessons learned to safely complete this project.”
On December 2, 2020, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved the TMI-2 license transfer request. All other required approvals were previously achieved.In 1979, TMI-2 experienced a partial meltdown which resulted in permanent closure of the facility. 99% of the damaged core was removed from the plant, packaged and relocated to a storage facility at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The TMI-2 facility has remained in a safe and stable storage condition known as Post Defueling Monitored Storage since 1993.To perform the decommissioning work on this project, EnergySolutions and Jingoli, a construction company headquartered in New Jersey, formed a joint venture called ES/Jingoli Decommissioning, LLC. EnergySolutions is the industry leader in successfully decommissioning nuclear powers plants. Experience includes the completion of a small test reactor called SEFOR in Arkansas, the Zion NPP in Illinois and the La Crosse NPP in Wisconsin. Currently EnergySolutions is decommissioning Fort Calhoun NPP in Nebraska and San Onofre NP (SONGS) in Southern. California. Jingoli successfully managed and executed nuclear projects on behalf of numerous utilities in the United States and Canada with experience in the nuclear field from pre-construction, construction management, project controls and decommissioning.To learn more about the decommissioning processes, the history of TMI-2, TMI-2 Solutions decommissioning experience and current decommissioning projects in the United States, visit EnergySolutionsEnergySolutions offers customers a full range of integrated services and solutions, including nuclear operations, characterization, decommissioning, decontamination, site closure, transportation, nuclear materials management, processing, recycling, and disposition of nuclear waste, and research and engineering services across the nuclear fuel cycle. For additional information about EnergySolutions visit additional information about this announcement please contact Mark Walker at or 801-231-9194.