Elis – Press release regarding liquidity contract changes

Press release regarding liquidity contract changesSaint-Cloud, February 26, 2021On February 26, 2021, Elis terminated the liquidity contract with Kepler Cheuvreux to appoint another provider.On the day of the termination, the following resources were recorded on the liquidity account:185,022 shares€ 497,338.62As a reminder, at the time of the last half-yearly report as at 31 December 2020 (cf press release dated January 19, 2021), the following resources appeared on the liquidity account:201,772 shares€ 231,608.84Elis SA agreed a liquidity contract, effective March 1, 2021 with Exane BNP Paribas regarding its ordinary shares (ISIN code FR0012435121). This contract has been signed for an initial period ending December 31, 2021 and is then renewable each year for a 1-year period by tacit renewal and is in compliance with AMF decision n°2018-01 of July 2, 2018 establishing liquidity contracts on shares as an accepted market practice (the “AMF Decision”). The trading platform on which transactions under this liquidity contract will be carried out is Euronext Paris.The following resources have been credited to the liquidity account:185,022 shares€ 497,338.62The performance of the liquidity agreement may be suspended in the following cases:The conditions set out under article 5 of the AMF Decision are met,The number of Shares held by the Issuer is equal to the maximum number allowed by Issuer’s Shareholders’ Meeting, taking into account notably the Shares already held by the Issuer in accordance with article L. 225-210 of the Code de commerce;The current market price of the Shares is outside the intervention thresholds authorised by the Issuer’s Shareholders’ Meeting;the expiry or suspension of the share buy-back authorisation of the Issuer’s Shareholders’ Meeting or in the event the limits set by the Issuer’s Shareholders’ Meeting are reached, including the impossibility to perform the Agreement during public offer periods on Issuer’s share capital (except with prior approval from the Issuer’s Shareholders’ Meeting).The liquidity agreement may be terminated:By Elis, at any time and without notice, in accordance with Liquidity Account’s closure conditions set out under article 13,By Exane BNP Paribas, upon one-month notice period. Upon expiry of the notice period, the Liquidity Account is closed in accordance with conditions set out under article 13.ContactNicolas Buron – Investor Relations Director – Phone: +33 1 75 49 98 30 – nicolas.buron@elis.com Attachment20210226 – Press release regarding liquidity contract changes