Edenred announces malware infection
November 22, 2019Edenred announces malware infectionEdenred S.A. (“Edenred”) (EDEN) announces that on November 21, 2019 it was subject to a malware infection on its information technology systems. Edenred is still investigating the extent of the attack. Upon detection of the attack, Edenred immediately implemented countermeasures to prevent further infection in accordance with Edenred’s established cybersecurity policies.Edenred is committed to utilizing all available means to protect its operations and customers’ information.Edenred has started to contact relevant governmental authorities and regulators. ▬▬Edenred is the everyday companion for people at work. Its leading intermediation platform connects 50 million employees and 2 million partner merchants via 830,000 corporate clients, across 46 countries. Thanks to its global technology assets, the Group managed 2.5 billion specific purpose payment transactions in 2018, primarily carried out via mobile applications, online platforms and cards, and representing nearly €30 billion in business volume.Edenred’s 10,000 staff are driven by a commitment to improving employees’ quality of life, increasing companies’ efficiency and boosting merchants’ revenues. They achieve this through three business lines:Employee Benefits (food, meals, well-being, leisure, culture and human services)Fleet & Mobility Solutions (fuel, tolls, maintenance and business travel)Complementary solutions, including Corporate Payment Services (virtual payment cards, identified wire transfers and supplier payments), Incentive & Rewards (gift cards and platforms, and incentive programs), and Public Social Programs.Edenred is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and included in the following indices: CAC Next 20, FTSE4Good, DJSI Europe and MSCI Europe.For more information: www.edenred.comThe logos and other trademarks mentioned and featured in this press release are registered trademarks of Edenred S.A., its subsidiaries or third parties. They may not be used for commercial purposes without prior written consent from their owners.