Draft resolutions submitted by JSC Olainfarm shareholder Olfim OÜ, registration No. 14601045 for JSC Olainfarm Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on September 22, 2020 at 15.00

Draft resolutions submitted by JSC Olainfarm shareholder Olfim OÜ, registration No. 14601045 for JSC Olainfarm Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on September 22, 2020 at 15.001. Recall of the Council and election of the new Council.
Draft resolutions:1.1. To recall the members of the Council of JSC “Olainfarm”.
1.2. To elect the Council of JSC “Olainfarm” consisting of the following members for the further term of 5 years:
1) _____________________________;
2) _____________________________;
3) _____________________________;
4) _____________________________;
5) _____________________________.1.3. To set the total monthly remuneration of members of the Council.2. Recall of the Audit committee and election of the new Audit committee.
Draft resolutions:
2.1. To recall the members of JSC “Olainfarm” Audit Committee.
2.2. To elect the JSC “Olainfarm” Audit Committee consisting of the following members for the further term of two years:
1) _____________________________;
2) _____________________________;
3) _____________________________.
2.3. To set the total monthly remuneration of the Audit Committee members.Additional information:
Jānis Dubrovskis
Investor Relations Advisor of JSC Olainfarm
Ph.: +371 29178878