Draft Resolutions of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Draft resolutions to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Panevezio statybos trestas AB to be convened at 10:00 on Friday, 9 April 2021 at the registered office of the company at P. Puzino Str. 1, Panevezys, are as follows: 1. Withdrawal of the Board members.
To withdraw the Board of the Company (in corpore) before the end of the term and elect the new Board.
2. Election of the Board members.
To elect for the term of 4 (four) years the following members of the Board of Panevezio statybos trestas AB:
Gvidas Drobuzas (born in 1963) – a businessman since 1989, a member of the Supervisory Board at Panevezio keliai AB.
Vaidas Grincevicius (born in 1980) (as an independent member of the Board) – educational background: Vilnius University, Master in Management and Business Administration. Participation in activities of other companies: LitBAN – a member of the Lithuanian Business Angel Network, a venture capital investor, SIQOR industries UAB – the Chairman.
Justas Jasiunas (born in 1982) – educational background: Mykolas Romeris University, Master in Law. Participation in activities of other companies: Panevezio keliai AB – a member of the Board, Aliuminio fasadai UAB – the Chairman, Vekada UAB – the Chairman, Skydmedis UAB – a member of the Board, Kingsbud Sp. z o. o. – the Chairman.
Kristina Maciuliene (born in 1978) – educational background: Kaunas University of Technology, Bachelor in Business Administration, Lithuanian University of Law, Master in Law. Participation in activities of other companies: Panevezio keliai AB – a member of the Board, Skydmedis UAB – the Chairman, Hustal UAB – the Chairman, Metalo meistrai UAB – a member of the Board, Vekada UAB – a member of the Board, PST investicijos UAB – a member of the Board.
Liną Simaskiene (born in 1968) (as an independent member of the Board) – educational background: Kaunas University of Technology, Engineer-Economist.
Egidijus Urbonas
Managing Director
Panevezio statybos trestas AB
Tel.: (+370 45) 505 503