DNA Plc: Special representative appointed for the arbitration proceedings concerning the redemption of minority shares in DNA Plc

DNA PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 8 November 2019 at 8:30 am EET
NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO AUSTRALIA, CANADA, HONG KONG, JAPAN, SOUTH AFRICA OR SUCH OTHER COUNTRIES OR OTHERWISE IN SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH THE RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD BE UNLAWFUL.Telenor Finland Holding Oy (“Telenor“) has on 11 October 2019 commenced mandatory redemption proceedings in respect of DNA Plc’s (“DNA“) minority shares by applying for arbitration proceedings to be initiated in accordance with Chapter 18, Section 4 of the Finnish Companies Act in order to redeem the remaining shares in DNA.As a result of Telenor’s application for initiation of arbitration proceedings, the Redemption Board of the Finland Chamber of Commerce has petitioned the District Court of Helsinki for the appointment of a special representative to look after the interests of DNA’s minority shareholders in the arbitration during the redemption proceedings. With its decision given on 4 November 2019, the District Court of Helsinki has appointed Olli Iirola, attorney-at-law, to act as the special representative.Telenor’s notice to the minority shareholders, as referred to in Chapter 18, Section 5, Subsection 2 of the Finnish Companies Act, is attached to this release.DNA PlcFurther enquiries:
Marja Mäkinen, Head of IR, DNA Plc, +358 44 044 1262, marja.makinen@dna.fi
DNA Corporate Communications, +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fiDNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland’s largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. Our mission is to provide products and services that make our private and corporate customers’ lives simple. As a telecommunications operator, DNA plays an important role in society by providing important communication connections and by enabling digital development. DNA was ranked as Finland’s best place to work in 2019 in the Great Place to Work survey’s large companies category. In 2018, our net sales were EUR 912 million and our operating profit EUR 139 million. DNA has more than 4 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland’s largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.Attachment20191108 Appendix Telenors notice to the minority shareholders of DNA Plc