Dividend payment ex-date of Enefit Green
Enefit Green (trading code EGR1T, ISIN code EE3100137985) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on 01 June 2022 at the end of the working day of the settlement system.
Proceeding from the above, the ex-date is 31 May 2022. From that date the new owner of the shares is not entitled to dividends for the year 2021.
Enefit Green will pay dividend 0.151 euros per share on 08 June 2022.
Further information:
Sven Kunsing
Head of Finance Communication
Enefit Green is one of the leading diversified renewable energy producers in the Baltic Sea area. The Company wind farms in Estonia and Lithuania, cogeneration plants in Estonia and Latvia, solar farms in Estonia and Poland, a pellet plant in Latvia and a hydroelectric plant in Estonia. In addition, the Company is developing several wind and solar farms in the mentioned countries and Finland. As of the end of 2021, the Group had a total installed electricity production capacity of 457 MW and a total installed heat production capacity of 81 MW. During 2021, the Company produced 1,193 GWh of electricity and 618 GWh of heat.