Decisions by the Board of Directors of Evli Bank Plc on March 9, 2022
On March 9, 2022, Evli Bank Plc’s Annual General Meeting confirmed the total number of members of Evli Bank Plc’s Board of Directors as five (5). Henrik Andersin, Fredrik Hacklin, Sari Helander, Robert Ingman and Teuvo Salminen were re-elected as members of the Board.
The term of the Board of Directors ends in connection with the partial demerger of Evli Bank Plc and the merger of Evli Bank Plc and Fellow Finance Plc, which is scheduled for April 2, 2022.
On March 9, 2022, the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors elected from among its members Henrik Andersin as its Chairman and Teuvo Salminen as its Vice Chairman.
Teuvo Salminen was elected Chairman and Robert Ingman and Fredrik Hacklin as members of the Audit Committee. Sari Helander was elected as Chairman and Henrik Andersin as member of the Compensation Committee.
Fredrik Hacklin, Sari Helander and Teuvo Salminen are independent of both the company and of significant shareholders.
For additional information, please contact:
Juho Mikola, CFO, Evli Bank Plc, tel. +358 40 717 8888,
Evli Bank Plc
Evli is a bank specialized in investments that helps institutions, corporations and private persons increase their wealth. The product and service offering includes mutual funds, asset management and capital markets services, alternative investment products, equity research, incentive plan design and administration as well as Corporate Finance services. The company also offers banking services that support clients’ investment operations. Evli is ranked as the best* and most used** institutional asset manager in Finland. Evli also has Finland’s best expertise in responsible investment.***
Evli has a total of EUR 17.5 billion in client assets under management (net 12/2021). Evli Group’s equity capital totals EUR 118.1 million and its BIS capital adequacy ratio is 15.4 percent (December 31, 2021). The company has around 290 employees. Evli Bank Plc’s B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
*Kantar Prospera External Asset Management Finland 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, Kantar Prospera Private Banking 2019, 2020 Finland **Kantar Prospera External Asset Management Finland 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 ***SFR Scandinavian Financial Research Institutional Investment Services Finland 2021
Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, main media,