Dakota Territory Resource Corp Announces Acquisition of Ragged Top Gold Property

Lead, South Dakota, Sept. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dakota Territory Resource Corp (OTCQB: DTRC) (“Dakota Territory” or the “Company”), is pleased to announce that the Company has increased its land holdings in the Homestake District of the Black Hills of South Dakota through the staking of 50 unpatented lode mining claims covering approximately 840 acres at the historic Ragged Top Gold Camp. Tertiary-aged gold mineralization in the Ragged Top area is hosted primarily in the Paha Sapa Limestone formation and has been mined from both vertical fissures called “Verticals” and from collapsed breccias. Dakota’s latest property acquisition is located just northwest of the producing Wharf Mine (Coeur Mining) and approximately 3 miles southwest of the former Richmond Hill Mine (Barrick Gold). Dakota Territory believes that the Property is an excellent prospect for additional tertiary-aged limestone hosted gold mineralization and for tertiary-aged gold and silver replacement mineralization in the preferred Deadwood formation host that lies under the cover of the limestone that dominates the surface exposure.With this acquisition, Dakota Territory now controls approximately 12,238 acres of brownfields mineral property in Homestake District of the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Company is committed to strategically expanding its dominant land package in the District as we believe interest will grow for gold exploration projects located in safe, low cost jurisdictions of the United States with a history of large-scale gold production. Brian L. Cole, Professional Geoscientist, has reviewed the technical disclosure contained in this news release and is a Qualified Person of the Company.About Dakota Territory Resource CorpDakota Territory Resource Corp is a Nevada Corporation with offices located at Lead, South Dakota. Dakota Territory is committed to creating shareholder value through the acquisition and responsible exploration and development of high caliber gold properties in the Black Hills of South Dakota.Dakota Territory maintains 100% ownership of six gold properties covering approximately 12,238 acres in the heart of the Northern Black Hills of South Dakota, including the Blind Gold, City Creek, West Corridor, Homestake Paleoplacer, Ragged Top and Tinton Properties. Dakota Territory is uniquely positioned to leverage Management’s extensive exploration and mining experience in the District with Homestake Mining Company. For more information on Dakota Territory, please visit the Company’s website at http://DakotaTRC.com/.Investor RelationsInvestor Relations Contact: For more information, please contact Dakota Territory Resource Corp (605) 717-2540Cautionary Note to U.S. InvestorsThe United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) limits disclosure for U.S. reporting purposes to mineral deposits that a company can economically and legally extract or produce. Our property currently does not contain any known proven or probable ore reserves under SEC reporting standards. Our reference above to the various formations and mineralization believed to exist in our property as compared to historical results and estimates from other property in the district is illustrative only for comparative purposes and is no indication that similar results will be obtained with respect to our property. U.S. investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in our latest reports filed with the SEC. You can review and obtain copies of these filings at http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml.