Credicorp Ltd.: Credicorp’s declaration of dividends
lima, Aug. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lima, PERU, August 26th, 2021 – Credicorp Ltd. announces to its shareholders and the market that the Board of Directors, in its session held on August 26th, 2021, approved the distribution of dividend according to the Bye-Laws of the Company, and considering a total net income of S/346,894,407.43, attained in the financial year 2020 and additional funds from the account non-restricted special reserves.
The Board agreed unanimously to pay its shareholders a cash dividend of S/471,911,585.00, for a total of 94,382,317 outstanding shares, which is equivalent to S/ 5.0000 per share. The cash dividend shall be paid out on October 7th, 2021, without withholding tax at source, to shareholders of record on September 15th, 2021.
The dividend will be paid in US Dollars using the weighted exchange rate registered by the Superintendency of Banks, Insurance and Pension Funds (Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFPs) for the transactions at the close of business on October 5, 2021. The US Dollar dividend amount will be rounded up to four decimals.
About Credicorp
Credicorp Ltd. (NYSE: BAP) is the leading financial services holding company in Peru with presence in Chile, Colombia and Bolivia. Credicorp has a diversified business portfolio organized into four lines of business: Universal Banking, through Banco de Credito del Peru – BCP and Banco de Credito de Bolivia; Microfinance, through Mibanco in Peru and Colombia; Insurance & Pension Funds, through Grupo Pacifico and Prima AFP; and Investment Banking & Wealth Management, through Credicorp Capital, Wealth Management at BCP and Atlantic Security Bank.
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Credicorp Ltd.