Correction: New draft decisions on agenda item No 1 of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 10 April 2020
Correction: in alternative draft decision No 2 item No 1 of agenda technical mistake has been corrected and adjusted the amount of increase of authorized capital. Draft decisions and ballot paper adjusted accordingly. Please be informed that the Board of AB Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter – the Company) approved new alternative draft decisions on 10 April 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders agenda item No 1, by which shareholders are given right to sign share subscription agreements with an electronic signature.In light of the fact that a lockdown has been extended in the Republic of Lithuania in accordance with Resolution No 264 of 25 March 2020 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, it is recommended that all shareholders participate in the meeting by completing the general ballot paper and submitting it in advance to the Company (Annex No 2).Please inform us about the need to physically attend the General Meeting of Shareholders no later than 3 business days before General Meeting of Shareholders via emails: or In all cases, Shareholders of the Company without personal protective equipment will not be allowed to participate in to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Company reserves the right not to allow participation in to the General Meeting of Shareholders for those shareholders whose health condition are reasonably doubtful.The information, foreseen in the applicable legal acts, which has to be provided while informing on convocation of the meeting, was announced by the Company on 19 March 2020, announcing the notification on material event: ENCLOSED:1. All draft decisions;2. Ballot paper on all agenda items. Jonas Lenkšas, Chief Financial Officer, +370 694 80594.AttachmentsAnnex No 1 – All draft decisions_EGMS_en_2020-04-10_updatedAnnex No 2 – Ballot paper on all agenda items_EGMS_en_2020-04-10_updated