Correction: Icelandair Group hf.: Results of Shareholders‘ Meeting
The following information has been added to the announcement:
The Board of Directors has held a meeting and elected Guðmundur Hafsteinsson as Chairman of the Board replacing Úlfar Steindórsson and Nina Jonsson as Deputy Chairman replacing Svafa Grönfeldt.
The following items on the agenda were approved at Icelandair Group’s shareholders’ meeting on 23 July 2021:
1. A proposal to increase the Company’s share capital in relation to a subscription agreement made with Blue Issuer Designated Activity Company and affiliates
The Board of Directors of Icelandair Group hf. submitted the following proposal, to increase the share capital of Icelandair Group by issuing new shares.
“The shareholders‘ meeting of Icelandair Group hf. held on 23 July 2021, resolves to increase the Company‘s share capital of ISK 5,659,094,470, from ISK 28,437,660,653 to ISK 34,096,755,123, nominal value, by issuing new shares. According to an agreement to subscribe for shares dated 23 June 2021 Blue Issuer Designated Activity Company has subject to the provisions of the agreement, which include passing of the proposals submitted at this shareholders‘ meeting, agreed and accepted to subscribe for 5,659,094,470 shares in the Company at the price ISK 1.43 per share, which corresponds in total to ISK 8,092,505,092. The new shares will be of the same share class as other outstanding shares in the Company. The Shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights to the new shares. The new shares shall provide the associated right to the Company from the date of registration.”
2. A proposal to issue Warrants in relation to a subscription agreement made with Blue Issuer Designated Activity Company.
The Board of Directors of Icelandair Group hf. submitted the following proposal, to issue warrants.
“The Company’s Board of Directors is authorized to issue warrants to Blue Issuer Designated Activity Company corresponding to up to ISK 1,414,773,617 in nominal terms. Subscription rights under the warrants may be exercised all at once following publishing of the Company‘s Q2 2022 interim financial accounts for a period of ten (10) days. Each warrant allow for subscription of one new share in the Company at the price 1.43 per share plus 15% annual interest calculated according to 30/360-day convention from the issuance date of the warrant until the date falling ten (10) days after the publishing of the Company‘s Q2 2022 interim financial accounts. The board of directors is furthermore authorized until 30 September 2022 to increase the Company’s share capital in relation to exercise of the warrants. The shareholders waive their pre-emptive rights to the warrants and shares issued in relation to their exercise.”
3. Election of Board Member subject to approval of items 1 – 2.
The Board of Directors of Icelandair Group hf. submitted the following proposal, subject to approval of items 1 and 2 on the agenda:
“The Board proposes that Mr. Matthew Evans will replace Mr. Úlfar Steindórsson as a member of the Board of Directors effective immediately for the remainder of the board’s term.”
Contact information:
Ari Guðjónsson, General Counsel,