Company announcement no 19/2022 – Strategic review and waiver for listed bond
Company announcement no 19/2022
Strategic review and waiver for listed bond
The Board of Directors and Executive Board of Idavang are conducting a strategic review of Idavang’s presence in Russia. As part of the strategic review, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board are exploring strategic options for the future of Idavang’s Russian business, including a potential sale of the business.
Idavang has discussed this proposal with its largest bondholders who have been supportive.
The organisation need quite to focus on the process, hence we will not be able to communicate details until the end of the review and before new announcement will be send to the market.
- Summons to Written Resolutions
- Amendment agreement no. 2
- Idavang – Information Presentation vd
- Company announcement no 19 2022 Strategic review and waiver for listed bond