COFACE SA: Disclosure of trading in own shares (excluding the liquidity agreement) made between 14 December 2020 and 18 December 2020

Paris, 21st December 2020 – 17:45COFACE SA: Disclosure of trading in own shares (excluding the liquidity agreement) made between 14 December 2020 and 18 December 2020
Pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 on market abuse1The main features of the 2020-2021 Share Buyback Program have been published on the Company’s website (, under “Own share transactions”) and are also described in the Registration Document. This information shall be completed with the press release of 26 October 2020.Aggregated presentation by day and by market
Detail transaction by transaction
FINANCIAL CALENDAR 2020/2021 (subject to change)
FY-2020 results: 10 February 2021 (after market close)
Q1-2021 results: 27 April 2021 (after market close)
Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2020: 12 May 2021
H1-2021 results: 28 July 2021 (after market close)
9M-2021 results: 28 October 2021 (after market close)FINANCIAL INFORMATION
This press release, as well as COFACE SA’s integral regulatory information, can be found on the Group’s website: regulated information on Alternative Performance Measures (APM),
please refer to our Interim Financial Report for S1-2020 and our 2019 Universal Registration Document.
1 Also in pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 (and updates); Article L.225-209 and seq. of the French Commercial Code; Article L.221-3, Article L.241-1 and seq. of the General Regulation of the French Market Authority (AMF); AMF Recommendation DOC-2017-04 Guide for issuers on their own shares transactions and for stabilization measures.Attachment2020 12 21 Declaration EN