Christian Dior: Financial release Interim Dividend
Paris, November 13, 2019FINANCIAL RELEASEINTERIM DIVIDENDAt a meeting held today, the Board of Directors of Christian Dior approved, in the context of the transactions completed in 2017, the distribution of the Company’s net cash surplus resulting from the sale of the Christian Dior Couture segment.This interim dividend, for a gross amount of €29.20 per share, will be paid as of December 10, 2019.Including the interim dividend of €2.20 per share previously approved on July 24, 2019, the total gross amount paid as of December 10, 2019 will be €31.40 per Christian Dior share.This financial release is available on our website: www.dior-finance.comAttachmentChristian Dior Communiqué 13 11 2019 VA