Capped floaters remain closed for new lending – Nykredit Realkredit A/S
To Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S
Capped floaters remain closed for new lending
On 18 May Nykredit/Totalkredit announced that the two capped floaters funding new loans at the time would be closed for new lending with effect from 23 May until further notice. At the same time it was announced that a new capped floater maturing on 1 July 2034, ISIN DK0009537334, would open for new lending on 1 July 2022 following reference rate spread fixing at a refinancing auction in May.
It is still our view that market conditions are inadequate to make capped floaters an attractive product. Therefore, the new capped floater, DK0009537334, will not open for new lending on 1 July.
Nykredit/Totalkredit continuously monitor market conditions, including the need to open new bonds to be able to offer our customers an attractive floating rate product with an interest rate cap.
Questions may be addressed to Morten Bækmand Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, tel + 45 44 55 15 21.