Capital increase at conversion of bonds to shares

Bond owners, representing a total of DKK 7,811,500, have chosen to convert their bonds to FirstFarms shares as per 23 October 2019. There will be issued 103,325 shares at price 45.97, 10,000 shares at price 46.15 and 45,413 shares at price 57.25, a total of 158,738 shares at an average price of 49.21.Thus, a capital increase of DKK 1,587,380 will be carried out, corresponding to 158,738 shares of DKK 10, and the company’s new capital will hereafter constitute DKK 63,181,420.Best regards
FirstFarms A/S
For further information:
Please visit our website or
contact CEO Anders H. Nørgaard on telephone +45 75 86 87 87.About FirstFarms:
FirstFarms is a Danish stock exchange listed company, which purchases and operates agriculture in Eastern Europe. We develop the individual farms to modern and sustainable businesses that deliver milk, meat and grains of the highest quality to the consumers’ dinner tables. Attachment(14) Capital increase at conversion of bonds to shares (UK)