BW Offshore: Mandate announcement

Mandate announcement BW Offshore Ltd has mandated Danske Bank, DNB Markets, Nordea and Swedbank to investigate the opportunity to issue a NOK denominated senior unsecured bond issue with a four-year tenor, subject to inter alia market conditions.The proceeds from the potential bond issue will be used for partial refinancing of existing debt and general corporate purposes of the Group.In conjunction with the contemplated bond issue, BW Offshore Ltd will offer to buy-back its outstanding bonds in BWO01 with ISIN NO0010638075 maturing in March 2020, BWO02 with ISIN NO0010673841 maturing in September 2020, BWO03 with ISIN NO0010705361 maturing in March 2021 and BWO04 with ISIN NO0010740111 maturing in March 2022.In connection with the contemplated bond issue, BW Offshore Ltd will exercise the Call Options to redeem all of the outstanding bonds in BWO01, BWO02, and BWO03. The Call Option for BWO04 may also be exercised subject to the successful placement of the contemplated transaction.For further information, please contact:
Ståle Andreassen, CFO, +65 97 27 86 47
Anders S. Platou, Head of Corporate Finance, +47 99 50 47 or www.bwoffshore.comAbout BW Offshore:BW Offshore is a leading provider of floating production services to the oil and gas industry. The company also participates in developing proven offshore hydrocarbon reservoirs. BW Offshore is represented in all major oil and gas regions world-wide with a fleet of 15 owned FPSOs. The company has more than 30 years of production track record, having executed 40 FPSO and FSO projects. BW Offshore is listed on the Oslo Stock ExchangeThis information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.