BOUYGUES: Combined Annual General Meeting of April 2020
Press release – Paris- 02/04/2020Combined Annual General Meeting of April 2020Formalities for obtaining or consulting documents in preparation for the combined Annual General MeetingThe Convening Notice that will be published in the Balo (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires) on 3 April 2020 contains the agenda and sets out the arrangements for participating and voting in the Annual General Meeting. The Notice of Meeting containing the draft resolutions submitted by the Board of Directors was published in the Balo on 6 March 2020, it being stipulated that the text of the amended third resolution will be included in the Convening Notice published in the Balo of 3 April 2020. The Universal Registration Document containing the reports submitted to the Annual General Meeting was published on 24 March 2020.All of the documents and information relating to the Annual General Meeting, as well as the postal and proxy vote forms are available on the company’s website at:
under Finance/Individual shareholders/Annual General Meeting.Shareholders may, in accordance with the conditions and time limits specified in Article R. 225-88 of the French Commercial Code, ask that the documents and information referred to in Articles R. 225-81 and R. 225-83 of said Code be sent to them electronically, at an e-mail address designated by them, by sending an e-mail to Bouygues.AttachmentBouygues – Modalités de mise à disposition VA