Bank Norwegian ASA: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting in Bank Norwegian ASA – Post merger election of members of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors in Bank Norwegian ASA hereby invite to an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of shareholders of Norwegian Finans Holding ASA on Thursday 22 July 2021 at 09.00 CET.
The merger of Norwegian Finans Holding ASA (NOFI) and Bank Norwegian ASA (BANO) is expected to be executed after market close on 20 July and will entail that the current NOFI shareholders will be BANO shareholders from 21 July, cf. the merger plan item 6. In order to ensure an open and transparent process the notice of the general is sent to current NOFI shareholders so that these also receive notice 21 days prior to the meeting, cf. the Public Limited Liability Companies Act section 5-11 b.
The main purpose of the EGM is to elect members of the Board of Directors of Bank Norwegian ASA.
The EGM will be held digitally using electronic voting. Please find attached the notice and guidelines for participation, which are also available at the company’s website:
Contact persons:
Interim CEO Klara Lise Aasen; phone +47 47635583;
Head of Treasury Mats Benserud; phone +47 95891539;
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act